Back on the Trab On today. Had 4 aboard and we left the dock about 5:45. Landed the first 36" fish just as the deep line was being pulled in to check it for Jellies. Seemed to be on about a 1 hour schedule for the hits today. Caught another 32 and 31 incher when the weather started to change for the worse. As we were pulling in the rods to get back to port, we hooked up with another fish off the middle line and ended up landing another 36" rock. First time I've limited out this year. What a great day!
Today we went out on a friends boat. The crew included Mike Causey, Mike D'Angelo, Ron Smith and Bob Slattery. Although the weather up to the morning was supposed to be bad, it turned out to be a wonderful day. We caught the first fish in 40' of water off a deep line and it ended up being 36 inches. The second fish was a 28.5 incher. Ended up with just the two, some sun, and a great feeling from all the beer. The author even took a 45 minute snooze to get back in the game. |
The FishermenThe fishermen of our home are Mike (Dad) and Cameron (the boy). They both love to be out on the water and it's wonderful that they share that with each other. PicturesPictures can be viewed in the Photo Gallery. Archives
April 2014